Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Very First Blog

This is my very first blog, ever.  Imagine that....but thanks to a great idea from my step-mom, I am now officially blogging.  So, going to talk about the trials and errors of dyslexia and my son.  I am currently four classes away from having my MBA and one of my goals after my graduation is to start a non-profit organization for parents of children with dyslexia.  I didn't realize the fight that I would have to get my son the help he needed.  Isaac is the middle child of three boys.  He is for sure a middle child, who tests the boundaries each and every day of his life.  He was the easiest pregnancy and birth I had, and was a great little baby.  But he began to really push his limits around age two.  He is strong-willed and stubborn.  He tends to over dramatize everything and 'cry's wolf' a lot. He is also the kid with a huge heart, and would be the one to take care of me when I grow old.  He is extremely athletic.  Sports of any sort comes naturally to him.

When he was one I took him to the doctor for his year old check-up, and told the doctor that something is not right.  He only spoke a couple of words and I was very concerned because his brother who was just 17 months older was talking in full sentences at one.  The doctor told me not to worry, he had second child syndrome, that his older brother talks for him.  Until recently I didn't realize that his slow to speak was due to his dyslexia.  At four years old his older brother taught himself to read, and at four Isaac was far from it.  By first grade I became concerned that he had a learning disability, but was told by everyone that he is fine.  He would always write his sentences completely backwards, not just words, but whole sentences.  Academically he was not near what his older brother was, and it was hard for me.  His oldest brother just did things, I didn't have to show him, or work with him.  Isaac was a different story.  My patience would wear so thin, thinking he was just lazy and didn't want to try.  Now, I know that was not the case, but it was so hard for me at the time.

When he was five I went through some major life changes.  Their was an addition to the family, a third boy to take care of.  Along with the boys father, who slowly drank his marriage and relationship away.  When I left their father he was drinking a fifth and a pint of vodka a day.  I fought for my boys and won.  So, as a single mom with full custody of three wonderful boys, who worked full-time, and still had to fight for her son's education.  Isaac is almost 11 years old now, and was just diagnosed with dyslexia in January.  He is improving and has a confidence that he never had before.  So, what my intentions with this blog, is to talk about our discovery of his dyslexia.  From when I first realized he was dyslexic, to when his teachers did.  The battles I had to fight and how I can help others realize that they are not alone!!

So, that is all for tonight!  I look forward to discussing this information and leaving tips for parents that think their child may be or is dyslexic.

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